This four-ingredient nice-cream is a proven taste bud tingler! It’s so packed with flavour that we prefer to keep toppings minimal – a handful of fresh pomegranate kernels, some blood plum wedges, flaked coconut, and a drizzle of the remaining pomegranate juice will do the trick.

For those looking to up their protein intake, we recommend adding 1-2 tablespoons of your favourite plant-based protein powder. Choosing the right type is a great way to add extra nutrients and flavour to your nice-cream – in this case, we recommend vanilla or coconut. Happy eating!


  • Bananas, 3 (frozen)
  • Coconut Flesh, 100 g (frozen)
  • Blood Plums, 2 (frozen)
  • Pomegranate, 1/2 (juiced)
  1. Combine all ingredients in a high-power blender, blend until smooth and creamy.
  2. Spoon into your favourite Coconut Bowls and add toppings. Enjoy!



This recipe was created for us by Healthy Luxe, a blog established in 2014 by mother-daughter duo, Jennifer Murrant and Hannah Singleton. The platform evolved from a shared love and appreciation for health, wellness and food.

